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06th. February 2009
Yosh! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Strike a Pose is celebrating its 6th Birthday, so hold onto your butts, we've got a LOT of updates!
06/02/09: Rocky Horror Ginyu section added to FUNNIES.
05/02/09: Bios have been updated with new information and funky new pics.
05/02/09: New Ginyu Force sprites added to the gallery. All broken picture links in the gallery have also been fixed
05/02/09: 16 Fanarts by Starkiller
05/02/09: Brand new Trivia section up
2 Fanarts by new artist Ssj4synfulvegeta
3 Fanarts by Son Rhandi
17 Comedy Videos/Clips/Amvs
Cosplay section
The Doujinshi section's had a BIG update, with 6 Doujinshi. Someone was asking for Frieza yaoi - you got your wish! One of the douji uploaded is Les Fleur du mal, a pretty popular Zarbon/Frieza, Zarbon Raditz.
05th. December 2006
Summary: This January will mark Strike a Pose!'s Third Year Anniversary! I feel I should do something to celebrate... *memories of drunken nights with the Ginyu Force surface* O_O maybe not.
Anyway, it's coming up to Christmas so I have a new Festive FanArt Contest up for anyone who's interested over at the Jeice Deviantart Club.

In updates I bring you 2 new fanarts by Dragonheart287, 2 new fanarts from PorcelianRose and a brand new Fanmanga by Sir Crocodile. Karete, Mini and Redpyrocat, I'll update with your submissions tomorrow ^_~ Thanks for the submissions guys!
02nd. November 2006
The Fanart section has had a little make-over. 6 new fanarts from new artist Padzi, 5 new fanarts from new artist PorcelianRose and
2 new fanarts from Starkiller. Thank you again for all your contributions guys!xx
03rd. September 2006
Summary: Sorry, know it's been a while since I updated ^^; But I've got a fab update so you have to forgive me. New artist Bei-li with two fanarts; new artist Coumarin-san with her DBZ: My Little Pony fanart series; new fanart by Sir Crocodile, Son Rhandi and Starkiller (me ^^); new chapter of "To Root Saiyan" by Jameta and two new chapters of "Within Me" by Starkiller (me again ^^=). We also have our first AMV by Son Rhandi (very happy to have her back in the GF!!! :D).
And finally I started up a new club on deviantart for Jeice:
08th. August 2006
Summary: Four new fanart submissions from Ran The Hyena, one fanart submission from Karete (which also happens to be art of the month ^^), new wallpaper submission from Jujain, three new fanfics/authors: Jameta with "To Root a Saiyan" and Severussweetie with "Life TV" and "Once Upon a Miracle". We also have a new "You know you're a Frieza Force Otaku when..." ^^ Thanks to everyone who's submitted!
21st. July 2006
Summary: New artists Ran The Hyena and PinkLightSaber with lots of fanart. I've also posted a new fanart which you can check out Here. There's also a new fanfic by White Ice Widow and a new JeicexMichiru (from Sailormoon) Wallpaper by Jujain.
16th. June 2006
Six new wallpapers. Two new icons.
6th. June 2006
New Fanart by Karete
New Fanfic by Suren
Big update in Gallery
New music in the Media Section
New chapter of Tabby J. Skylark's "Reading Bedtime Stories" *dances* YATTA! ♥♥♥ Jeice! ^_^
Jeice: 0_0 Don't say that out loud! Someone'll hear yeh ¬_¬
19th. May 2006
New Fanart/Artist: Kichi
New Wallpaper: Jeice wallpaper
NEW Feature: Vote for your Favourite story over in Fanfiction!
New icon and New Fanfic: "A Funny Game of Cards" by DigiPuppy
New Fanart: 2 new icons and 1 Wallpaper by yours truly, 4 new fanarts by Klp0609, 1 new fanart by Kdfuturama and 3 new fanarts by me. There's also a big update in the Doujinshi section, Media section and I've tweaked the Quotes and Bios sections.
New Fanfiction: "Lies" and "Behind Closed Doors" by Dragonheart287, and "Zarbon's Slave" by Mirablick Russ.
New Fanart: 2 new artists, Dragonheart287 & Ameban.
18th. January 2006
New top links as you can see ;) Check 'em out!
18th. January 2006
I've added more to the character section (again). There's more info in each bio plus a new section History which details the Ice-jinn Empire's rise to power.
16 th. January 2006
New fanficion: "DBZ Intergalactic saga" by Sonicwind123 and "A Lesson to be Learned" by White Ice Widow. Check them out!
06 th. January 2006
Alrighty, that's the site back up and fully restored. All the fanart AND fanfiction has returned with a few more extras ala Theminiarkana, Raditz Lover, Jeisre Ice, Karete-chan and myself in fanart and a new author (well I say author but it's actually the RPG team) "Duel of Fates Force". Crap name, I know. I'll think of a better one later.
Gifs are also back up. Check them out, I found some really cute Jeice and Berter spirtes! There's also new Wallpaper up from Son Rhandi and the Misc. section has been fiddled with so have a look.
Damn I'm just so happy to have this place...completed! Well I say that but I still have a hell of a lot of work to do in the Humour section. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
23rd. December 2005
Well guys, how'd you like the new site? Come a long way, ne? Fanart's still down I'm afraid but everything else is up, along with new fanfiction (*cough* like my Jeice/Saku lemon...*blush*). And I promise you new fanart AND Fanmanga by none other than Jeisre Ice! Actually there already is a new Fan Manga up by Son Rhandi (it's hilarious, check it out), plus two more Doujinshi so Merry Christmas! We also have a new affiliate, and host, in Riceboy! There have been new additions to the Gallery too but I suppose the biggest change, aside from the new host & layout, is the Forum. Thanks to the guy who put in the suggestion on the Guestbook! Great idea, cheers very much!
Anyway, my buns are numb from sitting here typing. Feel like I've worked my fingers to the bone on this site tonight.
Jeice: Have some beef jerky!! ^^
Jeice: They don't get it Saku, nobody does.
Saku: But Trading Places is my favourite Xmas movie ;_;
24th. November 2005
Strike a Pose! has had yet another make-over (and let's hope I don't get sick of it this time, ne?). Not only that, I finally found a new host! ROCK ON! Actually, the host found me ^.~ Big thanks to Gohanisyummy aka Amber of Rice Boy
Jeice: ShwinG!! She's a BABE! She's a robo-babe!
Saku: I hereby declare Gohan as the new site mascot!
Gohan: Eh heh, me? ^^; Really?...
Saku: You got it sunny-jim! Boys, welcome him!
Captain Ginyu: *smirking* That's right boys. Welcome him.
Recoome: *cracks knuckles*Yeeeaah, I thinks we have some unfinished busniess little man.
Jeice: Crafty 'lil bugga' *snorts*
Guldo: *wielding a mallet & standing well behind Recoome like the bug-like coward he is*
Berter: *watering his daises* ...springtime fresh...
Gohan: O___O;
Whee, just rediscovered Berter Beginnings. Berter-san is so sweet =^^= I delcare Dec 1st. BFG Day! I really owe him after killing him off in Duel of Fates *sniff*
Berter: Er..thank-you Saku chan...I think.
Jeice: Dec. 1st? That's a soddin' week away! Why not make it 24th an' kill two birds wi' one stone?
Saku: ...Piss off ¬_¬
Saku: On a completely unlrelated note, doesn't Guldo rather remind you of Droopy? Hmm, I may shove that in the 'lookalikes'.
Guldo: I do not resemble a Basset Hound!
Berter: *pats head* Hush puppy ^_^
Jeice: lol, mate if I were you ah'd 'ave taken that as a compliment ;D
Guldo: *flushes* RECOOOOOME! They're picking on me again!
Recoome: Ah'm a-comin'!
Jeice: ^^ Whoa lookout! 'is bitch is after us
10th March 2005
Bios have been modified - new fanfiction, "Unspoken Love" by author White Ice Widow; a Zarbon/Jeice one-shot romance which inspired me to put together a new Wallpaper (cos I can be a total sucker for Jeice/Zarbon if it's written well).
10th March 2005
Fanfiction's up! and with a few new additions from KilataraMutt, Son Rhandi, TheminiArkana and Queen Breeza!
09 March 2005
Okay, everything's pretty much up except for Fanfiction (which you can still find on the old site Here and a few fanarts. I'll have to fix that some other time cos now I'm totally nacked and I've been crying my eyes out after watching Leon ;_; I love that movie!
06 March 2005
You know I never realised how much Ginyu stuff I have before revamping the site. It's taking me forever to transfer everything, as you may have guessed. But I'm getting there. And I've also added a new fanart of Jeice by BlackFox - really cute, go check it out. Most of the Fanart is up, Fanmanga's up, Gallery, look-alikes, Audio, Bios...and other things but I'm too tired to think now. Promise I'll fix the rest tomorrow! ...or at least the fanfiction.
Well I figured it was about time to give Strike A Pose! a make-over so I decided on a lighter Cherry Blossom theme. Tell me how you like it.
The Ginyu Force RPG is still welcoming players ~ join us! I compel you! You can find all the information on the current thread running at Duel of Fates
The Ginyu Force RPG is still welcoming players ~ join us! I compel you! You can find all the information on the current thread running at Duel of Fates
Strike a Pose! :: a Ginyu Force Shrine.
"You will never find a more wretched site of scum and villainy."
:: Layout by :: Darth Funk & Starkiller
 Ginyu Force ♥