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Role Playing Game
The Strike a Pose! forums offer a place for DBZ RPG enthusiasts to play to their hearts content, however nuts the story may be. One of our most popular games is Duel of Fates, an RPG taking place in an alternative universe where Frieza's empire is the number one authority and the players can either choose to be Villains, Rebels or Neutral. If you're interested, come and join us at the forum here:

If you're interested in joining one of the Roleplaying Games we have running, please pay careful attention to the rules.
1). You will recieve a warning if you write less than four lines in a post.
2). No God-playing! That means no taking over every single character, including other players original characters - unless given the permission to do so. Every player chooses to play so many characters (usually it's a max amount of 4) e.g. Captain Ginyu, Zarbon, Freeza & an OC of their own.
3). No God-playing means NO mary-sues too. For example no luscious blondes with sparkling blue eyes swanning into the scene with more power than the Ginyu Force & Frieza combined.
4). Check your grammar. Nobody likes to RP with a player who writes like a 10 year old. Everyone should be old enough to know when to use Capital letters, commas etc. This is not an English class, savy?
5). For each thread a player can usually play up to 4 canon characters. Once a character is chosen for a thread that does not mean said character will belong to you for other threads. It's a matter of first come first served.
6). No double posting unless nobody else has posted in the RPG for 4 days.
7). If you have any ideas for a thread make sure you state roughly what timeline it takes place in or if it is an A/U (alternative universe). Make sure you state which characters are available to play and if O/Cs (original characters) are allowed.
8). Be polite to your fellow players and keep arguments between characters in the game i.e. if your characters don't get along, don't take offense - it's only in the game (at least it had better be!)
If you want to create your own original character (OC), just fill out this bio and post it in the appropriate section on the forum. Try and be as creative with your character as possible (and stay away from Sue-dom! XD)
Power Level:
Mental Level:
Weapon of Choice:
Extra Information:
:: Layout by :: Darth Funk & Starkiller
 Ginyu Force ♥