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    New Updates

    16 Sept. 04:
    RPG section has been update with 5-odd images a brand spanking new summary of events so far and revised character bios for both Caith's and my own characters. I'll update everyone else's characters later tonight (with pics ;D), promise!

    03 May 04:
    Two new Fanarts from Starkiller (that's yours truly). Love and adore me *blows kiss*

    30 April 04:
    BIG update for the RPG section. Spent so long on it I don't even want to count the hrs I've been on the net. Put it this way, I started on April 29th and it's now April 30t @_@ My shoulder's gone numb. APPRECIATE MY TOILING!!!

    28 April 04:
    WildBohemianParty's NC-17 fanfics have been removed per the author's request. She has posted a re-write PG rated version of "Before the Death and Poses" so be sure to check it out me hearties! Not much else except an update in the Icons department ;)

    01 April 04:
    Yarr! I have an update ~ a new fanfic from our very own Storymaster Caith, "Second Chances" :~ a very unique Piccolo/Jeice romance story ^.~ You can always count non Caith to churn out something totally original!

    11 March 04:
    Uhg, appreciate this you molluscs! Flu's hit me hard again and I feel like shit - useless bloody immune system *coough cough - hack* x___x Put another Doujinshi up, 18 new Screencaps and Manga Scans are finally up.

    Added a link to Caith's new site, The Library where you can read all her fanfiction ;D

    Jujain's 2 links - an RRA Shrine Red Ribbon Headquarters and a fantastic general anime Shrine The Dragon's Realm. They're fab, check 'em out! ^^

    Important - If there are any broken links (aside from Credit and FAQ) I'd be very grateful if people could let me know. I don't need to know about the 'Under Construction' links (they're under construction for a reason ~_~). Thanks

    10 March 04:
    2nd chapter of Jujain's Sauza/Zangya fic which I really advise you to read (she says it's going to be very Pirates of the Carribean~ish! Need I say more?), a great new fic by a great new author Carnation Cloud, a lemony fic by Speed which she wrote as a pressie for yours truly (thank-you!! ^^), and hehehe this is bloody brilliant XD Drum roll please!

    The first Fic Challenge has been completed by non other than the Ginyu Force master of fiction Caith - The First Ever Jeice/Obi-Wan Kenobi fanfic in the world is now hosted here at "Strike A Pose!" Can I here a Woot! Woot!
    Obi-Wan/Jeice: NO!! >_<

    29 February 04:
    Posted 2 fanarts and a new chapter of 'Only the Weak' both by Karete-chan (thanks again!), a very original Sauza/Zangya fanfic by Jujain and 2 more fanarts by Kendra.

    17 February 04:
    Posted an excellent new fic, 'Only the Weak' by author Karete-chan (thank-you!!) It centers around Freeza's reign, his soldiers, his slaves and the growing Rebellion against the Empire. Go read! Now!

    14 February 04:
    Ahoy me scurvy dogs & 'appy Valentines Day!! The all new Love Calculator is up and running for all you romantics out there *gags* Many thanks to Audrey Darkchild who emailed me with the excellent suggestion!! If anyone else has any ideas for the site please feel free to email me and I'll do my best to get them up ;)

    11 February 04:
    Starkiller: Yeh I know I haven't updated in ages. Bloody comp is slowly dying on me and it wouldn't allow me to upload anything onto geocities without crashing. Anyways I finally updated the Rocky Horror Ginyu Show with 2 more pics so check it out! I have 4 new fanarts, (1 from Jujain, one from myself & 2 from Darth Funk) a new chapter of Jujain's 'The Secret' and a new fanfic from WildBohemianParty which currently has no title >_< Give me a title or I'll call it ButtMuncher!!

    And I demand that you all kiss my finely toned ass for I discovered a link to Planet Icion's Fan Section - BOO-yeh! *moonwalks*
    Jeice *walks into the room - blinks - & struts* Billie Jean ain't ma lover ~ She's just a girl who claims that ah am the one!
    Starkiller: -_- you're like the product of some twisted 80s after school special. Jeice: the kid is not my son ~ah heeee heeee heee *twirls*

    03 January 04:
    Fixed the link, Caith's fanfic should be up now. I also uploaded another small doujinshi for ya
    Jeice: An' hot-dang do I look good in it! ;) Just watching National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1. Ye Gads it's so Jeice & Burter! Emelio Estefez even has a Jeice hair-do ^^ I'm thinking about creating a new page for the humour section called 'Ginyus at the movies' where we'll cast the Ginyus & Namek Villains in famous flicks, e.g. Jeice - Beetlejuice in "Beetlejuice" Guldo: Eric in "Phantom of the Opera" (hehe) Berter: Blade in "Blade" ^^; Zarbon/Zangya - Jack & Rose "Titanic" Whaddya think?

    02 January 04:
    Starkiller: Happy New Year! I'm extremely hungover @_@ and it's bloody freezing *wraps herself in Jeice's puff*
    Jeice: @_@ *winces* don't speak so loud...uhhg it's too bright out here..*crawls beneath the bed*
    Deceptedo: Hmph, well it serves you both right for drinking til the early hours of morn.
    Starkiller: Hey not all of us are content with staring longingly at Trunks all night =P
    Deceptedo: *twiddles thumbs & blushes*..er..

    Alrighty, to get on with the actual updates, a great new link's been added At Home with Prof. T.Q.O. Lot of interesting guff to behold there! Check it out ('specially the fanart) 3 more fanfics have been posted up: "The Viper" by MetroLuz, What I truly want by Speed from the WildBohemienParty and See You in Hell by the master of G/F fiction Caith. 3 new Site Guards have also been added and you can find them in the Icons section.

    21 December 03:
    Arr! Rumdash! Only a few days til Christmas ~ Festive overload! Neways, put another of my own 'works of art' up and a new fanfic, 'First Times' by Speed from the WildbohemianParty. Possibly the only Guldo/OC lemon in the world ^^; I also put my own bio up - it's in the Extras section. Read and boost my already inflated ego!! Yarr!

    09 December 03:
    Made a quicky Ginyu Force Christmassy Wallpaper ages ago so I've posted that up now. I also added some of Jeisre Ice's fanwork seeing as her site is down now. I'll glady take them down if requested to do so.

    08 December 03:
    Put another fanart up on the site ~ it's by Son Rhandi so you have to check it out! Also we've got a new author, Icejinn Dancer. Welcome aboard matey! Check out her fanfic ;)

    07 December 03:
    Sorry about the lack of updates, comp's been a bitch. Jujain has very kindly given me SIX new fanfics and a bunch of great fanart! I've also posted a fanfic by Caith, 'Crying Moon' - Thanks guys!! ^_^ *'tis a Merry Christmas*
    Got another Doujinshi up, so enjoy! More to come soon. I've added more pics to the Screencaps section. Character Songs, General Info, Quotes, LJ Icons and the RPG are up and running.
    The author Speedwithlife has been removed at her request.

    18 November 03:
    Alrighty then, the new Ginyu Force Community/RPG is open! *jigs* Took my time, I know but hey I'm a busy gal! If you have any Original Character bios or story threads or just random guff about the Ginyu Force POST AWAY! ^_^

    18 November 03:
    Updated with another chapter of Caith's A Tale of Two Planets! WOO-YEH! *jigs*

    15 November 03:
    Another update with the start of Jujain's excellent fanfic The Secret (it's a yaoi- Jeice/Spice pairing Original ne? ^^)

    15 November 03:
    Muff. Planet Icion is dead. One of my favourite sites ever. Feh. Anyway I updated with 5 new wallpapers, a new Character Song section and a new Icons section (it's under Extra). Feel free to send suggestions in for character songs. Eeesh, I'm kinda getting fed up with this. I really need to get hits for this bloody site, seein' as I'm working my ass off on it..well..sort of..now and again..that's beside the point! Hello? Are there any Ginyu Force fans out there?! *crickets chirp* ...
    AH BOLOCKS >_<

    10 November 03:
    Avast me 'earties! I have updated with a new fic by KilataraMutt, "The Little Ginyus Return", two more chapters of Speedwithlife's "Before the Death and Poses" and another Jeice look-alike...well, a future Jeice look-alike ^^; GASP!! M'lady it be LORD FLASHEART! *swoon*
    Jeice: *poses* WOOF!!
    Everyone: *swoons* Woof!
    'Note' to those who have lived under a rock all their lives & haven't seen Black Adder II..MUH!?!? Classic Brit comedy at it's finest!!

    24 October 03:
    Updated with another of Caith's funky fics, "When Angel's Die" - Beware! It's a tearjerker!

    02 October 03:
    Started up the Cooking Lessons section~ The recipes will be up soon ^^; ...I really have to stop drinking so much. Beer + Funk = One burnt Guldo Cookie. Where did we get the recipé you ponder? Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls ring a bell? ^^
    Burter: *glares* How many times have I told you to STAY OUT of the kitchen?
    Saku: But Mr. Burter they taste so good!
    Jeice: *large smirk* There is so much I c'uld do with that Saks..but yeh'd kill me :D

    02 October 02:
    Got more Doujinshi up and I've added another Jeice look-a-like. Enjoy! ;)

    01 October 03:
    Woo-yeah! October's here! Halloween's ah comin' and I get to dress up as a sexy Pirate Queen! *pose*
    Ginyu Force: GACK *collapse* X_x
    Starkiller: ^^ Can't remember if I've told anyone yet but I added something special to the shrine....a Rocky Horror Ginyu Show section! It's just started but expect to see a lot of fishenets and red lipstick in the near future ;D Tomorrow I'll put new doujinshi scans up which Raddittzu.com kindly allowed me to host ^^ Check out her sight, she has the funkiest Ginyu Force doujinshi and it's so cheap *drools over doujinshi*

    28th September 03:
    Another update! :D WOOOOOH!! Son Rhandi kicks butt! Recoome butt! {Jeice: & that's one big big butt ;D} She's allowed me to host her glorious FanManga {Clan cheers: Banzai! *wave* Banzai! *wave*} I shall now proceed to dance the Dance of Joy into the sunset!
    Recoome: *raises hand* uuhmm...wouldn't that hurt? :S

    27th September 03:
    Heyup, updated with a fanfic by the one and only Caith! Go check it out, it's called 'There’s no Codebook for Love'.

    26th September 03:
    I'm doing damn good job with updating :D Haha! No one can say I ain't working hard now! The FanArt section has been tidied up and I updated the RPG with some Bios (thanks to Speed & TW). I'm really happy cos Leda Chan let me host some of her fanart here! Check it out now! ^_^ She's really talented! I've been going to her site for well over a year now and it's dang funky ^^

    24th September 03:
    Uhg! More bloody updates! I hope you ppl are happy! I'm knackered ~_~ Check out Leda Chan's Art Studio in the anime links section. I've been going there for a while now and it's a really funky site. Everything there reminds me of my friends O_o it's freaky. UHm..what else have I done? Dagnabbit! I know I've done something!! Oh yeh, added a bit to the RPG section. I'm off now, ja

    24th September 03:
    Mmmhhhh, is it just me or is Jeice sexier in the DBZ budokai PS2 game than he is in the anime? ^^; Anyways! Never fear all who have realised that Son Rhandi's website has gone 'blah' (quite literally). I'm gonna take care of it! ..well that is Funk's gonna take care of it..once I bribe her with pie.
    In other news I have Look-a-likes up in the Funnies section. If you have any more ideas feel free to post them to me! I'm gonna get started on rules etc for the RPG now, ja ne! ;)

    20th September 03:
    Just a small update tonight (but a good one dangit!) Clips/Music are back up. Made a new GF wallpaper, updated Speedwithlife's 'Before the Death and Poses' and posted a new fic written by Caith, 'For the Love of Two Hearts', which stars non other than yours truly! :D *poses*
    Caith: ~_~ *grumbles something about Starkiller's ego*
    Starkiller: *too busy posing to notice* ^__^ Btw, I'm starting the Roleplaying Realm now (down in Extras). If anyone has OC characters that they would like to post just email me ;)

    10th August 03:
    ARR! Ahoy lads 'n lassies! Darth_Funk gave our little Ginyu Shrine a lick of paint! Hell yeh, I loves it! ^_^ But I've still got to re-load a lot of stuff, shouldn't take too long *looks down at the gaps between updates* ehhehe ^^; Anyways, got two chapters of a great new fic 'Before the Death and Poses' by Speedwithlife, and there's more fiction to come from Caith too! *dances jig-of-joy* Thanks mates! :D

    18th July 03:
    I LIIIIVEEEE! MUWAHAHA! A'right mates! Been a while ^^; I bought more doujinshi from:

    Raddittzu's Anime Playground, but I'll have to see if I can get permission to host some pics up here.

    Son Rhandi has also given me permission to host her fantastic fanmanga! WHEE! Thanks Son! And the wonder that is Caith has given me MORE fanfiction! Chained, Ying and Yang and Nightmares. Read 'em! Btw, the Funk has created a new layout for the site which should be up soon. Now I'm going to lie on my bed and melt- bloody heat wave! X_x

    12th April 03:
    Uploaded more pics and I finally uploaded my gifs! Huzzah! Now all I need to scan is my manga, which I'll get to...soon ^^;

    11th April 03:
    Ahoy there fellow Ginyu-ers! 'A Tale of Two Planets' and 'Spin the Wheel' has been updated (thanks Caith ^^) and Angelchair was kind enough to give me one of her kawaii fanarts *glomps Angel* Arigatou! I also uploaded four of my own crappy fanart pics X_x Why was Funk blessed with a creative hand and not I?! Oh yeh, and there's a new Wallpaper section with one lousy pic -_- Don't know why I bothered.

    4th April 03:
    Dagnabbit X_x I feel like shit in a bun. I HATE flu! I've been coughing for 24 hrs straight. I need to take my anger out on something.
    Recoome: *shoves Guldo towards her*
    Guldo: O_O
    Starkiller: -_-; That's a little too easy. Anyways, I've uploaded more doujinshi and Images for your delight. Enjoy! ^_^ (if you don't I will eat you)

    24th Mar 03:
    SHALANLA! Yeh yeh, I know I haven't been on in ages. Well I haven't been feeling all peaches 'n' creme as of late. Anyways, I come bearing gifts! Two more fanfix ala Caith *cheers* and some of my Ginyu Doujinshi ^^
    And before I forget, THANK-YOU! to the ppl of this glorious site

    http://www.dbcollection.com who allow us poor ppl to nick ten pix for our own pitiful sites ^^;

    13th Feb 03:
    OHAYO!! *glomp* Better mood tonight ^^ I finally put some of my own fanart up..uhm, think that's it. I'll be working on the media section soon, try to get some pix up within the next few weeks. Darth Funk's been scanning a lot of my manga for me (cos I'm cheap and don't own a scanner).
    That's it for now, Ja ne!

    7th Feb 03:
    Saku-chan: *muffled greetings* Curses.
    Bitchy mood. Just moved house on the Monday & everything's going wrong in this new place. Bloody hell, I get 5:00 am wake-up calls by these happy chirping birdies!! Tweet Tweet! Tweet Tweet! Ah bugger --
    Anyway, put some sound clips/music up, plus some more fanart/fiction. Thanks to all who let me host their stuff ^^
    Right, I'm off to throw darts at Leggy-boy's (aka, Legolas) head now- always cheers me up...what? So I don't like blonde, nancing elves, sue me --
    Jeice: *smirk* Yeh know, one of these days someone's gonna sue yeh fer real
    Guldo: Actually Saku-chan, the odds of you successfully making it through life without getting sued is approximately 3720 to 1
    Saku-chan: URUSEI!! >_<

    29th Jan 03: Okay, got a lot more done today. Son Rhandi was kind enough to let me host her Fanart/Fiction/Fanmanga, so check out her stuff and visit her webpage: http://chikara-z.xepher.net/ It rocks! I also got ahold of an episode (dubbed unfortunately) of the Ginyu Saga, so that'll be up soon, along with my treasured Ginyu Doujinshi ^__^ I'll also be posting a ton of manga scans/screen-caps and some character clips soon.
    Right, I'm off for now. Ja ne!

    27th Jan 03: Uhg..I'm so tired. I've been working on thie site for hours ;_; Anyways, the bios are up, although they're not entirely finished. I plan to pad them out some more ...believe it or not ^^; Links are up as well as two fanfiction. I need to rest now. I see many swirling colours..*Strikes a weak pose & collapses* X_x

    25th Jan 03: Okay, first update for the first day of the site running (kind of...). There are a few broken links still floating about, but they'll be bugged out in a couple of weeks or so while HTML is being figured out... Aside to that... welcome to the Ginyu Shrine! Bwahaha! *Strikes a pose* :D

    :: Layout by :: Darth Funk & Starkiller

    Ginyu Force ♥

    Nothing pertaining to Dragonball, Dragonball Z or Dragonball GT belongs to me. All rights, pictures, characters, names etc belong to Akira Toriyama and FUNimation. All doujinshi belong to the respective artists. No harm is meant by this site. Just here to have a little fun and worship the greatest posers in the Galaxy ^_^

    This page was created by Starkiller and Darth Funk