Strike a Pose! :: a Ginyu Force Shrine Opened Jan. '03 -- CELEBRATING OUR 6TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!
"You will never find a more wretched site of scum and villainy."
Ahoy! and welcome to the Ginyu Force Shrine. I am your host, the Great Saku Ookami!
"So... what can I find here...?" I hear you ask in a whiny peasant, 'I must have Ginyu... now...' voice. Well, like it has posted all over the site... Ginyu Force! Ginyu art, fanfics, links, media anything that has the Ginyu Force on it, I have it (or want it *hint hint*). But fear not Zarbon otakus! *cough, Karete-chan, cough* He pops up quite often, especially in fanfic, fanart and douji so be sure to take a look around ;)
Warning: There may be adult, Yaoi/male+male or Yuri/female+female content on this website. Any fanfiction/art etc which features any of these is clearly labelled and I will accept no responsibility if you click on something you do not wish to see.
We've got a new "Which Frieza Force Character are You Quiz". The link's on the main page (look to your right! =D). 2 new Doujinshi 11 new fanarts by Padzi 13 new fanarts by Starkiller 1 new Fanfic, Hiraedd: The Unobtainable, by Spleef New Chapter of Smoke and Mirrors New Chapter of Only the Weak New Chapter of Rumbuggery! AntfishFTW's videos have been taken down from Youtube due to copyright violation. Pretty gutting, cause those were hilarious. :(
10th August, 2009
Ginyu Sites Soon to be Closing: Yep, I'm afraid I bring bad news. Geocities is shutting down ALL of its websites, which means we'll be saying goodbye to a few of our favourite Ginyu Force shrines, such as the classic Jeice the Bishounen and my personal favourite, Planet Icion. These sites will be gone by the end of October, so enjoy them while you still can!
Kold High RPG: The Kold High 2009 game is in full swing, but we need more players so hurry and register at the Strike a Pose! forum and join up!
DBZ Kai: So most of you have probably heard about Dragonball Kai. No, I'm afraid it's not a new series. In a nutshell it's the same old Dragonball Z we're used to, but with new footage, new opening and all the filler episodes cut. Worth it? Who knows. We'll let you make your mind up. Here's part 1 of the first episode of Dragonball Kai!
New forum members please note: The forum only accepts registered members now. Once you've set up your account, you'll have to wait for me to validate it. This should only take a day, as I'll get an email notification of your registration. Sorry for the hassle dudes, it's all down to the trouble the forum's been having with ruddy trolls and spammers >:(
Our Dragonball Z Roleplaying Game is still welcoming players on the Forum ~ join us! I compel you! You can find all the information on the current thread running at the forum HERE. =D
Hiraedd: The Unobtainable by Spleef Rating: R Summary: With impending war against Frieza, the Saiyans decided to make a pact with their long time rivals in order to defeat him. But the Crown Prince isn’t too happy with the idea of his mate being chosen for him. Read
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Nothing pertaining to Dragonball, Dragonball Z or Dragonball GT belongs to me. All rights, pictures, characters, names etc belong to Akira Toriyama and FUNimation. All doujinshi belong to the respective artists. No harm is meant by this site. Just here to have a little fun and worship the greatest posers in the Galaxy ^_^