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So, welcome to the Misc. section - the place I shove all the crap I don't know where else to put. Featuring: Essays, GF Quotes, Adoptions, RPG info and FAQ. Hang onto your butts.
:: You Know You're a Frieza Force Otaku When... ::
:: Sigs & Banners ::
:: Essays ::
:: Ginyu Force Quotes ::
Adopt your very own chibi Jeice or Ginyu Force from Strike A Pose! Steps are simple, save the picture to your hardrive, upload it onto your site (no direct linking!) and place a link back to my page.
I adopted Chibi Jeice from Strike A Pose!
 I adopted the Ginyu Force from Strike A Pose!
:: Saku's Adoptions ::
The Jeice Kitty was adopted from Ghost's Anime Page

The Zarbon Kitty was adopted from Ghost's Anime Page

The Radditz Kitty was adopted from Ghost's Anime Page

The Nappa Kitty was adopted from Ghost's Anime Page

Roleplaying Games
Information on the current games being played will be up soon. Actually that's bull, it'll probably take me ages so either go to the forum (we're all a friendly bunch ;D) or Ginyu Force RPG.
Current Games
"Duel of Fates" :: an AU RPG where Chikyuu has been destroyed by the Ice-jinn Empire which has almost total control of the Northern Quadrant. A team of Rebels fight back.
"Kold High" :: A sort of humorous spin-off DBZ characters at school and it's CHRISTMAS!! Much angsting and odd relationships. If you're a fan of Zarbon and the Ginyu Force, come join us!
:: Layout by :: Darth Funk & Starkiller
 Ginyu Force ♥
Nothing pertaining to Dragonball, Dragonball Z or Dragonball GT belongs to me. All rights, pictures, characters, names etc belong to Akira Toriyama and FUNimation. All doujinshi belong to the respective artists. No harm is meant by this site. Just here to have a little fun and worship the greatest posers in the Galaxy ^_^
This page was created by Starkiller and Darth Funk