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Got a question for me or the Ginyus? Email me us aves76@hotmail.com! =D
So, WHY the Ginyu Force? (seriously? Oo)
That's a good question ^^; I suppose at first I was just drawn to Jeice, my anime-soulmate. I've always loved these cocky, roguish characters and I admit I loved his dodgy accent. You know, I never really liked Jeice's Japanese Seiyuu. It was a big let-down. I know I've said this before but how amazing would Yamagucchi Kappei be as Jeice's seiyuu? (he voices Inuyasha). Ahh, a girl can dream.
Burter: You're getting slightly off track Saku-chan...
Saku: Hai hai. ...Where was I?
Jeice: *whips his mane over one shoulder* You were talkin' 'bout how you adore and worship me.
Guldo: -_- Wonderful. Now he'll be unbearable.
Ginyu: He's always unbearable.
Recoome: *grabs Jeice's shirt and hoists him up* This site's dedicated to US not you bonebag!
Jeice: Bring it on fistycuffs!
Saku: URUSEI!! ...yarai yarai.
Now don't dare flame me for giving an opinion here. The Ginyu Force (and Zarbon) weren't simply throw-away characters like Cui or Dodoria. They had real potential to be something more in the series. In fact the Namek Saga could have been so much more exciting if we had seen more of the Ice-jinn Empire and not stayed on one dreary planet watching Goku and Frieza fight it out for weeks on end. I continue to be disappointed at how easily the Ginyu Force were defeated (weren't we meant to me shit-scared of them?) at the hands of Goku, then later crushed by Vegeta. This is why I hate Veggie - he kills off every interesting character. I wanted to know more about Goku's origins. I wanted to know more about Vegeta's experiences serving Freeza and the Ice-jinn Empire. I wanted to know more about the bloody galaxy! Instead I grew extremely bored after the Trunks Saga, which is when my DBZ passion died a death. Having Goku or some incredible Super Saiyan power save the day every time a bad guy appeared on the scene got old very quickly. But with that said, I still adore the Ginyu Force and Zarbon, and the whole Namek Saga cast in general. In my humble opinion, Akira Toriyama's strength lies in creating characters, or at least the basis for what could be an interesting character. It's just a shame he never expanded the Ice-jinn war story a little more. It's certainly one of the most popular DBZ fanfic topics.
Saku: I went off topic again, didn't I?
Ginyu Force: *nod*
Okay, why do I love the Ginyu Force? It's a mix of their goofy charm and the fanfics and RPGs which have further developed their personalities over the years. Y'know, Burter's Mr. Nice Guy (we all took that from Jeice's "He never loses his cool" line in the series), Jeice is a cocky bastard and a "Ladies Man", Guldo is a nerdy, cowardly git, Recoome's all muscle, no brain and Ginyu's the worst of them all, being a mix of all four =^_^= ........ O.o Guys? Uhm...what's up?...
Guldo: Nerdy git?
Ginyu: Like Jeice?!
Burter: I do happen to have more to my personality than just 'nice' you know. *waters daisies*
Recoome: Thank you, I do swallow half-a-dozen raw eggs every day *flexes pecks*
Guldo: *slaps forehead*
Jeice: *seething* Why'd you put "Ladies Man" in inverted commas? DO YOU 'AVE ANY IDEA WHAT THAT'S INSINUATING?!
Saku: ^^; Fellas, fellas, come on. Don't take things so seriously....It's Christmas! Heh heh, heh heh...tootles! *bolts*
Ginyu: Men! After the wench!
Ginyu Force: *chase*
:: Layout by :: Darth Funk & Starkiller
 Ginyu Force ♥