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    You Know You're a Frieza Force Otaku When...

    Yep, we finally have one! The infamous 'You know you're a 'blah blah' Otaku...' Well every fansite needs one. And thank you very much to LadyFighter for submitting this first batch! :D So read and see what kind of saddo Frieza Force Ottaku you are...

  • 1. You eat just chille burgers for your meals to fatten yourself up. You then deck yourself completely green, then you desperately try to convince a plastic surgeon to tear out all your ears and replace them with huge, round eyes. Just like lovable Guldo.

  • 2. The only game you want to play with your family and friends is "Rock, Paper, Scissors

  • 3. You throw a massive fit and/or cry whenever you miss a soap opera.

  • 4. When you are actually watching a soap opera and somebody is blocking the television, you get pissed and pound the person to a pulp.

  • 5. You constantly beg your boyfriend to grow a huge mullet, dye it pure white, then go have his skin completely tattoed red all over. Exactly like Jeice. He ends up dumping you in the process.

  • 6. You get another boyfriend, this time begging him to grow out his hair extremely long, dye it green, put it in a braid then you try demanding him to blue all his skin completely. Identical to Zarbon. You end up losing this guy, too.

  • 7. You eat tremendous amounts of chocolate-nut bars, only to get a major stomach ache the next day.

  • 8. You are so loyal to your teachers, that you begin to call them, "Lord Frieza".

  • 9. Whenever you and your sibling pull the wishbone and you get the larger end, you always desperately wish you had pinks skin with protruding spikes, just like everyone's favorite pink DBZ character, Dodoria.

  • 10. You buy yourself a bunch of booze. Having a good time drinking it because you know you are impersonating Jeice. Sadly the next day you get a huge hangover. Or even worse......

  • 11. You say you're prettier than everybody else. You enjoy it because you know you like being exactly like Zarbon.

  • 12. You have a reunion with four of your greatest, best friends and try to convince them to do these "awesome" poses.

  • 13. Since your attempt to get your frineds to go into incredibly goofy poses failed, you try to persuade the cheerleading squad at your school to try out these "cool" new moves.

  • 14. You think Arnold Schwarzenegger is actually Recoome.

  • 15. You watch the Crocodile Hunter and really believe Steve Irwin is Jeice's alter ego and/or is Jeice.

  • 16. You become so absorbed by his speed, you are always running on your treadmill for hours on end, trying to be as fast as Burter, The King of Speed. Unfortunatly, you are sent to the emergency room for being severely underweight.

  • 17. you catch and talk to every frog you encounter, hoping that you may be talking to a real-life Captain Ginyu. Suddenly people begin wondering if you really have your head and before you know it you're in the psyhco ward.

  • 18. Whenever you see someone who has a nicer body than you. you always shout out "Body change now!" in the hopes of swithing bodies with them like your favorite purple skinned Ginyu, Capain Ginyu.

    -- Courtesy of LadyFighter

  • Nothing pertaining to Dragonball, Dragonball Z or Dragonball GT belongs to me. All rights, pictures, characters, names etc belong to Akira Toriyama and FUNimation. All doujinshi belong to the respective artists. No harm is meant by this site. Just here to have a little fun and worship the greatest posers in the Galaxy ^_^

    This page was created by Starkiller and Darth Funk